Otto Piispanen, web developer.

Hello there! I am a web developer from Finland.

I am currently employed at Wisenetwork Oy as a Lead Front-End developer. I work with technologies such as VueJS, Ionic, CSS, PHP, and MySQL, so I'm technically a full-stack developer, but my passion on Front-End has pushed me to build internal tools and educate my co-workers on Front-End technologies. In my personal projects, including this site, I frequently use VueJS, Nuxt and NodeJS.

My passion for coding was ignited by video games and my goal of becoming a game developer. Although I eventually took a different career path, game development was a formative part of my journey as a developer.

I think learning to code by creating games teaches you everything you need to know about programming. Especially things like handling data in real time and asynchronous nature of modern apps. It also makes you think about optimization and performance. That is why I created a basic game engine with JS and Three.js for my bachelors thesis.


Hello World!


First computer

An old 286 computer, passed down from my uncle, came equipped with MS Basic development tools. I learned how to launch a game using the debug menu, which was exciting!


First steps in coding

Fun projects like text adventure games and personal websites using bash and HTML. Balancing life with Taekwondo, and team sports like bandy and football.


Got my BBA

Business Information Technology, XAMK.


Smarttime Oy

My first full-time job was as a web developer.


Wisenetwork Oy

Where I've grown as a web developer while working with this innovative company.


Present day