Hello world!

This is my first blog (in a few years)! Yes, I actually had a tech blog a couple of years ago where I had some AngularJS (yes, 1.x) tutorials, tricks and tips. I removed them all from the Internet for being outdated. I don't really know what the purpose of this new blog will have but definately not 101 tutorials. Maybe some tips and tricks here and there and maybe some curated lists of various tech things, who knows? I don't.

I also had some dumb Medium posts which I really don't want to even link here but I'm pretty sure they were dumb.


I have an obsession to create but I really lack a lot of skills to fulfill those ambissions so maybe I can scratch that itch by writing. In a few months I might look at this blog and stress about how empty it is but I hope that I still have some creative ideas about the Web or coding or whatevet.


Now I expect from everyone to respect my authoritah. Just kidding you silly goose, I have no idea what I'm doing half the time. Or three quarters... Don't link this to my boss!!

The thing is that I have been coding been professional coder for about 10 years now so I think I have some grasp on things and that my opinions and tips could be use for someone, but it is maybe better for you to take them with a grain of salt.


Please enjoy my blogs but do be aware of the release dates of the actual coding stuff because everything in web dev is outdated in 2 years. That actually apply to any blogs and tutorials on the Internet.

Don't squeeze your geese, there's always cheese.

Maybe I should work on my mottos...

Have something to say on this topic? Here's my Bluesky: @opiispanen